RWSB October 23RD
9:30 AM09:30

RWSB October 23RD

Retired Border Patrol Agent

  • 25 Years of Service

  • Chaplain and Ordained Minister

  • Married 40 years, father of 2, grandfather of 5, great grandfather of 2

  • Runs the Old Patrol HQ Social Media

  • Founder of the new website

  • US Marine

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10:30 AM10:30



Born and raised in Sweden, Tony Krvaric was inspired by Ronald Reagan's optimism and unshakable belief in free enterprise, individual liberty, and limited government, vowing to one day come to America and pursue his own American Dream.

In 1992 he immigrated legally and arrived in San Diego, starting his own business in the computer industry. Six years later he discovered his passion; helping individuals and families make smart financial choices - and joined A.G. Edwards & Sons as a full service Financial Consultant.

After patiently going through the naturalization process for nearly thirteen years, Tony became an American citizen in 2003, calling it "one of the proudest days" of his life. He immediately registered to vote as a Republican and has never missed an election.

After a large bank bought A.G. Edwards in 2007 the "client first" mentality changed and Tony founded Krvaric Capital & Risk Management – a boutique, independent financial services firm focused on helping select individuals and families accumulate, preserve, and distribute wealth.

The firm's clients are typically current or retired entrepreneurs who value professional relationships based on trust and shared values. The firm employs the 10-step “Krvaric Process” to help clients reach their goals, primarily utilizing a fee-based fiduciary approach.

Tony is Chairman Emeritus of the Republican Party of San Diego County – where he served for 14 years as volunteer chairman, charged with electing and re-electing Republicans to all levels of government.

In his spare time Tony engages in causes that advance freedom, preserve our culture, and honor America's founding principles. He describes himself as socially conservative and fiscally moderate.

His values system stems from learning about the horrors of collectivism and communism that his parents suffered in Yugoslavia (present-day Croatia) and led them to seek a better life in Sweden.

Tony lives in the Scripps Ranch area of San Diego with his wife and their four children ("three boys and a princess.") The family attends St. Michael's Catholic Church in Poway where Tony is a proud Brother Knight of the Fourth Degree.

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Fundraiser with "Dr. Bob" Shillman Speaking on the Future of Israel and The Rise in Anti-Semitism
4:00 PM16:00

Fundraiser with "Dr. Bob" Shillman Speaking on the Future of Israel and The Rise in Anti-Semitism

BIO-Robert (“Doctor Bob”) Shillman

Dr. Robert J. Shillman (Doctor Bob) holds a bachelor’s degree in electrical engineering from Northeastern University and both Master’s and Ph.D. degrees from MIT where he specialized in artificial intelligence (AI). He tells everyone, “Unfortunately, I wasn’t born with natural intelligence, so I had to go with the artificial kind, but it worked out really well!”

In 1981, he left academia and invested his life’s savings in a company that he named, “Cognex,” which stands for Cognition Experts. With a lot of hard work, perseverance and risk-taking, Cognex grew to become the world’s leading supplier of machine vision systems (computers that can “see”). And, Doctor Bob has received international recognition for both his business achievements and his unique “work hard, play hard” management style.

Soon after Cognex became a publicly listed company in 1989 (NASDAQ: CGNX), Doctor Bob decided to use his newfound wealth to help a variety of charitable causes. He views his philanthropy as an investment in the future and currently supports more than 60 different philanthropic organizations that are each involved in one or more of the following causes:

  • Upholding the United States constitution, with emphasis on freedom of speech, freedom of assembly, and the right to bear arms

  • Ensuring the continuation of the free enterprise system in America

  • Helping to ensure the continued security and prosperity of the state of Israel

  • Higher Education, with an emphasis on STEM

  • Health, with an emphasis on cancer research and treatment

Because of his increasing involvement in charitable causes, he tells everyone that his Ph.D. no longer stands for Doctor of Philosophy but for Doctor of Philanthropy!


The Early Years

I grew up in a working-class neighborhood near Boston, Massachusetts with my mother, father, and sister. Although my family had very modest means, I never felt poor, because all my friends lived the same way. My father never had a new car, and, at times, he had no car. To get to work, he took two buses and a train and still had to walk 15 minutes from the station…rain or shine. My father worked hard to make ends meet. He was my example.
Every snowstorm, I shoveled driveways. Every summer, I cut lawns.
I learned that if I wanted something, I had to earn money to buy it. And that’s a lesson that I still adhere to today and that I pass on to my two sons.

I recall one neighbor who was doing quite well in the plumbing business— so well that he bought a Cadillac— a sign of wealth at the time. But I didn’t resent it. Instead, I thought, “Oh, I want that. Maybe someday if I work hard, I’ll be successful and can buy one too.” Times have certainly changed. These days, we’re taught to resent the success of others and to believe that their success was due to them taking advantage of someone else. We’re taught that life is a zero-sum game…if someone gets something, it must have been taken away from someone else. That may be true in a Marxist society, but it certainly isn’t true in a Capitalist one where wealth is created every day.

I was a curious kid who didn’t like following rules…especially the rule to sit still in class; this made for a lousy student in K through 12, but fine for a student studying engineering in college.
After graduating with a Master’s and Ph.D. from MIT, I accepted a teaching position as an Assistant Professor for a couple years. I enjoyed teaching, but not the many administrative duties that go along with being a faculty member…I’m just not a committee kind of guy.

Sometime back in 1980, I had a conversation with an entrepreneur who was on his second startup, and I thought, “If he can do that, I can too!”

The Cognex years

Sometime back in 1980, I had a conversation with an entrepreneur who was on his second startup, and I thought, “If he can do that, I can too!” I was inspired to take my entire life savings — all $86,000 of it — and start a business. And, 40 years later, that company, Cognex Corporation, is now worth $14 billion! GOD BLESS AMERICA!

About two years ago, Cognex started getting pressure from investors to go woke…urging the board and senior management to spend more time on environmental and social issues…which means that less time would be available for helping our customers and for developing leading-edge products for them. And then, the COVID pandemic struck…requiring more rules and regulations and executive orders from both the federal, state governments.

Running a public company in America has become increasingly complex; it’s just not as much fun as it has been. So, with mixed feelings, I resigned from the position of Chairman of the Board and have basically retired from the company that I led and loved for 40 years. Despite my age, I still have a lot of energy, and I sure have a lot of time…how should I spend it?

The Fight is On

Americans used to love this country, but, unfortunately, that love is waning due to the constant barrage of disinformation and propaganda from the left. I now have the time to fight that trend. By telling stories of success, I hope to re-awaken our citizens to the positives about America and give them hope for their future and for their children’s future.

Do not comply!

It’s 2020, I’m standing in the checkout line at a local hardware store without a mask…but socially distanced from the customer in front of me…when that customer turns around, notices that I’m not wearing a mask, and says, in a very commanding tone, “You’ve got to put a mask on!” And I respond, “Why?” “Because IT’S AN ORDER.” To which I reply, “I’m not in the military; I don’t follow f-ing orders!” Then the checkout person chimes in, “You need to wear a mask or you’ll have to leave.” I hold my ground. “I’ll leave as soon as I’m done shopping.”
“I will call the police!” I know that it’s a scare tactic to get me to comply, but I also know if I give in, I’m helping to erode our human rights. In moments like this, courage is a requirement.
I steel myself and say, “Yeah, you want to call the police? Call the police.”
And guess what? They don’t call the police. I finish my shopping and leave. I didn’t put on a mask then, and I still refuse to comply with any such “order” or “mandate.”

It’s been nearly two years, yet the order to wear a mask is still required in many places — long past the two weeks to “flatten the curve” we were told at the beginning of the pandemic.
Not wearing a mask in public has become a “crime,” and the next step is losing the right to refuse to take a vaccine that was rushed to market. How did America come to this? Who gave our politicians the right to issue arbitrary “orders” or “mandates” without first going through the legislative process?

Our government tells us that these orders and mandates are to ensure our safety. Benjamin Franklin once said: “Those who would give up essential liberty, to purchase a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.” And, in a similar vein, Thomas Jefferson said, “A society that will trade a little liberty for a little order will lose both, and deserve neither.”

Most people don’t recognize that these orders and mandates are eroding our individual freedoms; they take away our G-D given right to choose what is best for ourselves. That’s why “I will not comply” has become my mantra. When anyone without proper authority orders me to do something or not to do something, I don’t comply! “It’s a government order.” “I’m not in the military. I don’t take f-king orders!” If we do not resist these unlawful mandates, our rights WILL be gone…one by one until we have nothing left. And that frightens me far more than the possibility of getting arrested or spending a night in jail for not complying.

America is the greatest country in the world. My story and the stories of other successful people provide proof that the free-enterprise system works. Seeing the overreach of the government and hearing reports of doom and gloom blasted by the media 24/7 makes me angry. Worse than that, is the way that Americans are complying with orders without questioning them and allowing their rights to be eroded.

Today, I’m a conservative podcast host, here to wake people up to the fundamental principles based on our Judeo-Christian founding that made America great and that will continue to keep us great…unless America is “fundamentally changed,” as Barack Obama told us he intended to do.
I didn’t wake up one morning, ready to start a podcast. That decision happened gradually.
It started with the lawless orders to “flatten the curve.” As time passed and the lockdowns became more egregious…
I felt that my voice — and the voices of most other Americans were not being heard. By sharing REAL stories of success, I hope to awaken people to the truth…
America’s success is built on America’s freedoms, and those freedoms need to be defended.

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RWSB June 26th Meeting
10:30 AM10:30

RWSB June 26th Meeting

Dan Peak
Asst. Chief of Police-Chula Vista

Assistant Chief Dan Peak began his law enforcement career in 1999 as a Chula Vista Police Department-sponsored recruit in the San Diego Regional Academy. After graduation, Assistant Chief Peak worked various assignments including patrol officer, School Resource Officer, field agent, DUI Coordinator, and Crimes of Violence Detective. He was promoted to Sergeant in 2009 and served as patrol supervisor, SWAT Team Leader, Traffic Division Sergeant, and Professional Standards Sergeant. In 2014, he was promoted to Lieutenant and served as Patrol Watch Commander, Drone Manager, Liaison to the District Attorney’s Office, Adjutant/Special Projects Lieutenant, Criminal Investigations Division Lieutenant, SWAT Commander, and Public Information Officer. In April 2022, he was promoted to Captain to oversee the Investigations Division, and subsequently the Patrol Division in October 2022. In 2024, he became Assistant Chief of Police for the department. 

Assistant Chief Peak holds a Master Certificate in Criminal Justice from the University of Virginia, and a Bachelor of Science Degree in Criminal Justice Management from Union Institute & University. He is also a graduate of the prestigious FBI National Academy (Class 274).

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San Diego County

District Attorney

District Attorney Summer Stephan has devoted her life to protecting children and families, providing justice to the most vulnerable, and is a national leader in the fight against human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Summer rose through the ranks fighting for justice in the trenches before San Diego County voters overwhelmingly elected Summer as District Attorney in 2018 and again in 2022. As District Attorney, she leads the second-largest DA’s Office in California, managing a professional staff of 1,000 employees, serving as the People’s Prosecutor for San Diego County and its more than three million residents. Summer leverages her extensive courtroom, management, and leadership experience to set clear public safety priorities in collaboration with law enforcement and the community, keeping San Diego County one of the safest urban regions in the United States. In 2022, Summer was named one of “The Five Best Prosecutors in America,” utilizing evaluation factors of integrity, fidelity to the rule of law, responsible innovations, and community relations.

As a trial prosecutor, she tried more than 100 jury trials, including cases of complex homicides, sexually violent predators, child molestation, sexual assaults, school shooting, and human trafficking-related cases. She served as Chief of the DA’s North County Branch and Chief of the Sex Crimes and Human Trafficking Division, a special victims unit she pioneered.

As the District Attorney, Summer opened a state-of-the-art Family Justice Center in the North County for victims of domestic violence and elder abuse. Summer launched a juvenile diversion program that diverted hundreds of kids away from the school to prison pipeline. Summer fulfilled her commitment to test every rape kit with over 2000 rape kits tested. Her office tripled the prosecutions of hate crimes and doubled down on the prosecution of deadly fentanyl dealers. Summer is implementing innovations to help address the intersection of crime and homelessness.

DA Stephan holds leadership positions in public safety nationally and locally, including serving as a vice-president of the National District Attorneys Association, and co-chair of the National Association of Women Judges Human Trafficking committee. Summer served on the Governor’s Task Force for High-Risk Sex Offenders and Sexually-Violent Predators. She spearheaded the innovative “Know the Price” campaign, which focused on reducing sexual assaults on college campuses. She also led the award-winning “The Ugly Truth” human trafficking awareness campaign as well as the “San Diego Opioid Project,” aimed at reducing opioid and fentanyl overdoses. Summer led a coordinated effort to protect the community from targeted mass violence with a School Threats Task Force that implemented a unified protocol with all 42 school districts in San Diego County. In addition, she began an effective Veterans Treatment model in North County inspired by a heroic Marine Corps veteran.

Summer is the recipient of numerous local, state, and federal awards, including an FBI commendation for organized crime prosecution, outstanding achievement award from the Deputy District Attorneys Association for the complex prosecution for the rape and murder of an elderly woman. She was named an “Angel of Anti-Human Trafficking” and a “Modern Day Abolitionist.” In 2022, she received the Bernard E. Witkin Esq. Award for Excellence in the Practice of Law, for her extraordinary contributions, leadership, and accomplishments as District Attorney. She was selected as the 2017 Southern California District Attorney of the Year by Crime Victims United, was awarded the Pathbreaker Award by Shared Hope International, and received the 2019 Humane Award for her work in fighting animal cruelty.

Summer received her Bachelor of Arts degree from the University of California, Davis and her Juris Doctor from the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law.

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Paul Jonna (Attorney)

Paul M. Jonna is Litigation Counsel for the Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund. Jonna has successfully resolved a wide array of complex and high-profile civil litigation matters. In his work for FCDF, Jonna focuses on constitutional litigation at both the trial and appellate levels. Jonna obtained considerable trial and arbitration experience early in his legal career, including lengthy bench trials, jury trials, and complex arbitration proceedings. He has handled state and federal appeals and has argued before numerous state and federal courts, including before the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals. He was selected by the San Diego Business Journal as one of the “Best of the Bar” for 2016 and 2017.

His experience includes:

  • Successfully representing David Daleiden and the Center for Medical Progress in a lawsuit filed in Los Angeles Superior Court by StemExpress, a broker in aborted baby body parts. The lawsuit sought to prevent Mr. Daleiden from publishing a damning undercover video featuring Cate Dyer, the CEO of StemExpress. FCDF succeeded in convincing the Court to allow the video to be released. As a result, StemExpress ultimately dismissed its case and walked away with nothing.

  • Representing David Daleiden and other parties in federal lawsuits brought by the National Abortion Federation and Planned Parenthood. Those lawsuits are ongoing and seek to punish Mr. Daleiden for his brave investigative journalism.

  • Representing Tastries Bakery after the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing sought to force it to make custom wedding cakes for same-sex couples. In a precedent-setting ruling, the Court sided with Tastries and held that the State could not force bakers to violate their consciences by making wedding cakes that express views that are contrary to their sincerely held religious beliefs.

  • Representing parents and organizations in a federal lawsuit against the San Diego Unified School District, arising out of its “anti-Islamophobia” initiative.

  • Successfully representing a devout Catholic employee of Loyola Marymount University who was suspended by LMU after being accused of committing a “hate crime.” The “hate crime” consisted of engaging in a dialogue with a “gender neutral” woman about basic tenets of the Catholic faith. After our successful representation, LMU restored that employee to her position without any loss of pay or benefits.

Jonna was previously an associate at the national law firm of Gordon & Rees, where he represented a broad range of clients, including major Fortune 500 companies, small and large businesses, and leading national and international insurers in complex commercial litigation and class actions in state and federal courts throughout California. Prior to joining Gordon & Rees, Jonna was an associate at Bernstein Litowitz Berger & Grossmann, where he represented institutional investors in complex litigation and securities class actions, including Public Employees Ret. Sys. of Mississippi vs. Merrill Lynch & Co. ($315 million recovery); In re Wells Fargo Mortgage Pass-Through Certificate Litigation ($125 million); and In re AXA Rosenberg Investor Litigation ($65 million).


Jonna earned his J.D. from the University of San Diego School of Law, where he was Comments Editor of San Diego Law Review and published “In Search of Market Discipline: The Case for Indirect Hedge Fund Regulation,” 45 San Diego Law Review 989 (2008). During law school, he earned a CALI Award for the highest grade in Complex Litigation as well as a merit scholarship. He earned his B.S. in Business Administration from the University of Southern California’s Marshall School of Business, where he was invited to Beta Gamma Sigma, named to the Dean’s List, and earned a merit scholarship.


A San Diego native, Jonna resides in Rancho Santa Fe with his wife and five young children.

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Alek Mikolajczak has a life story of which novels are made. Born in Poland in 1935,
Alek and his family were displaced by the Second World War. In 1940, he and his mother
found themselves in a Soviet forced labor camp, separated from his father, who was separately
imprisoned by the Russians.

Alek's migration took him from Poland to Siberia, Iran, Pakistan, East Africa, England and finally USA.
It was a journey from poverty and hunger to affluence, a journey from obscurity to international recognition.

Alek graduated from Cambridge University (Trinity College) in 1957.

After working at Rolls-Royce in rocket and jet engine propulsion for four years, he returned to Cambridge 
and earned his PhD in aerospace engineering.

He was appointed professor at MIT to teach rocket and jet engine propulsion to graduate students.
Finding academic pace to be too slow, he decided to ,return to industry He did his best technical work at
Pratt & Whitney Aircraft in East Hartford. Conn. He authored a number  of landmark publications, received a 
number of awards and patents. He has served on various technical and national committees and has been 
elected Fellow of American Society of Mechanical Engineers and also Fellow of American Institute of
Aeronautics and Astronautics

In 1982 he came to Rohr in Chula Vista as Vice President of Engineering and subsequently became one of 
six executives running the corporation.

In 1993, at age of 58, he retired to pursue investments of his modest resources and has been very successful
He founded Mikolajczak Family Foundation and is involved in charitable activities

Alek has been married to Danuta for 63 years. They have three children and three grandsons. 

In his spare time he has been a rugby player, a private pilot, hiker, sailor and skier,. He still enjoys trout fishing.  

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Arthur R. Thompsom

Prior to serving as The John Birch Society’s Chief Executive Officer, Art held nearly every volunteer and staff position in The John Birch Society, including National Director of Development and Communications and National Director of Field Activities. Art is the host of Activate America and author of a litany of books on the Insiders and their plans for a tyrannical one-world government, including In the Shadows of the Deep StateChina: The Deep State’s Trojan Horse in America, and To The Victor Go the Myths and Monuments.

BOOKProperty Rights: As Sacred as the Laws of God

To our nation’s Founders, property rights were as sacred as the laws of God. Unfortunately, these rights have deteriorated to the point that government now practically controls all property. Property rights must be understood and restored in order to maintain freedom and avoid tyranny. Art Thompson explains the vital importance of property rights, including how our very existence as a free nation depends on them.

BOOKRestore Election Integrity

The security and integrity of the United States’ election system has been deteriorating for years. It’s long past time to restore election integrity in America. Without fair elections, we do not have a free country. The ultimate goal is to have every legal vote count and every illegitimate one tossed out. Former JBS CEO Arthur Thompson explains the necessary steps we must take as a nation in order to restore our election system.

BOOKBenedict Biden: Water Carrier for the New World Order

Learn about Joe Biden’s startling agenda in his own words and actions — his program for making America only a cog in the “New World Order” (his words, not ours) — and what can be done about it.

BOOKChina: The Deep State’s Trojan Horse in America

The danger of a rising China has become obvious to many people. What is not so obvious is the growing menace of Communist Chinese influence within the United States, including in academia, banking, business, political influence, media, the pandemic Covid-19, and the violence in our streets. Arthur Thompson exposes the Communist Chinese problem and what must be done to remedy it.

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10:30 AM10:30


Mary Davis is a legislative watchdog at the local level and the author of The Beginner's Guide to Civic Activism.
A resident of Alpine, she focuses most of her attention and oversight on the San Diego County Board of Supervisors, as well as SANDAG. Her latest project is fighting the Road Charge program in California, which poses a grave threat to privacy, transparency, and our God-given right to travel freely without encumbrances.

You can learn more at her political website,  or her non-political website, 

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Opal Singleton is the President and CEO of Million Kids and has served for more than 10 years as the Training and Outreach Coordinator for the Riverside County Anti-Human Trafficking Task Force through a Department of Justice grant.

Opal has trained more than 500,000 government, law enforcement and first responders, civic, education and individual leaders about labor trafficking, child sex trafficking, sextortion, child pornography, social media exploitation and money laundering in California and across the United States.

Opal is an instructor at the Safe Communities Institute, USC and the USC Safe Schools Climate Certificate program. She is also an instructor at Los Angeles Fire Leadership Training Academy. Opal has completed the POST Instructor course and has served on the Peace Officers Standardized Training panel, developing training curriculum on human trafficking for California law enforcement.

Opal is the author of “Seduced: The Grooming of America’s Teenagers,” and “Societal Shift: A world without borders… a home without walls.” She hosts a weekly radio show: KTIE 590 AM broadcasts “Exploited: Crimes and Technology” throughout Southern California. Million Kids is also one of the Executive Producers of a long-form documentary, “Sextortion: The Hidden Pandemic.”

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Eric Early is a husband, father, attorney, businessman and son of a Marine. Not a career politician.
Eric was raised to believe in America’s founding principles of limited government and free markets.
Eric believes that every American should be given the opportunity to fulfill their American Dream, and his parents inspired Eric to achieve his personal goals.
As the co-owner and Managing Partner of a nationally recognized law firm, Eric understands how difficult it is to start and run a successful business. As your next US Senator, Eric will work to cut overly-burdensome regulations that get in the way of entrepreneurship and job creation.
Eric and his wife Emerald – a Registered Nurse who grew up on Navy bases — have 4 children, three dogs and a cat. They live in Los Angeles.
As our next US Senator, Eric will stand-up to the Socialist woke interests that control Washington, DC, fight to preserve and protect our Democracy, and fight for ordinary Californians who are being left behind. Join our campaign today.

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4:30 PM16:30


Food, Fun, Entertainment and Lots of Conversation!

RWSB 3rd Annual Members and Friends Social! Join us for a fun evening of good food and conservative talk! In addition, there will be raffle baskets and items to bid on. Our beautiful DJ, Nico, will entertain us with great music. There will also be interesting speakers. You and your friends won't want to miss this fun event.

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10:30 AM10:30


Scotty Saks from Sovereign Radio

Scotty Saks is host of Sovereign Radio, Broadcasting from the Belly of the Beast of Main Stream Media since the onset of the Global Plandemic, on AM News Talk Radio in Texas and California, and now on iHeart, Google Play and Stitcher.

The show has attracted guests like Dr. Alveda King, Charlie Kirk, Fox News Legal Analyst Gregg Jarrett, G. Edward Griffin (Author of The Creature of Jekyll Island which opened his eyes to the evil workings of the Central Bankers and their sycophant Politicians) and many others.


Scotty has been entrenched in Hollywood, Main Stream Media, the Music Industry and Professional Sports since the Mid 70’s.  At the age of 17 he was working with his Korean War Marine Veteran Father, who was Producing Television for Art Linkletter and Arthur Godfrey.  He has worked hands on and observed the inner working of the Satanic Media & Entertainment Complex since 1981, serving Major Brands and small business alike, negotiating over a Billion Dollars of Advertising & Sponsorship Deals with all the Major TV & Radio Networks and all of the four Major Professional Sports (NBA, NFL, NHL & MLB).  He has Produced& Syndicated TV and Radio Shows for Legends like Johnny Cash, Kenny Rogers, James Brown, The Blue Angels, and ESPN Off Shore Boat Racing Series.


Scotty is conversant with all of the Critical Issues of our time.  He is a MSM insider & Whistle Blower revealing the Modus Operandi of the Cabal Media & Entertainment Complex (He is blowing the whistle with his new presentation “The Rise & Fall of the MSM Cabal).  He has an in-depth working knowledge of:

·         The Financial Reset War - Asset backed currency vs. CBDC

·         The Spiritual War- Good vs. Evil, God vs. Satan

·         The Medical Tyranny – The Plandemic, The Bio Weapon (Jab) & the Upcoming WHO Global Pandemic Treaty which will destroy Medical Freedom worldwide.

·         Big Tech Censorship- How Social Media has colluded with Government


·         Geo Politics & The Deep State – From Multi National Corps to NGO’s like WHO & UN, From the Uni-party in Washington DC to the Bull Horn MSMP, From the Plandemic to the Upcoming WHO Global Pandemic Treaty which will destroy Medical Freedom worldwide. 

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10:30 AM10:30



Kim Yeater is the Radio Show Host of The Take Your Power Back Show on Salem Radio KCBQ The Answer. She is an Entrepreneur, Peak Performance Master Coach, Dynamic Speaker, and the creator of The National Take Your Power Back Expose Voter Fraud Initiative working with leaders across the country.

Over the past 24 years, Kim has passionately coached hundreds of business owners, entrepreneurs, and leaders to success. Her love for seeing people overcome adversity, choosing faith over fear, and accessing their God-given power is what drives Kim to be a bold leader empowering the world around her in Love.

Kim is a blessed daughter of the King, wife, mother of four amazing children, anew grandma. She loves time with family, creating life-changing events, and challenging herself as well as others to bring their very best to the table.

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10:30 AM10:30



Mayor Bill Wells of El Cajon has announced his candidacy for the 51st Congressional Seat in California. He has been a proud Conservative representative for El Cajon since 2013 and a dedicated member of the City Council. In his recent reelection, he won with an impressive 70% lead vote against a Democratic challenger in a politically tentative district. Wells promises to bring the same level of dedication and passion to Congress as he has to his community, advocating for a stronger economy and national security.

As a healthcare professional, Wells is committed to combating homelessness, which he sees as a pressing issue. His city provides financial support to the East County Transitional Living Center and Crisis House, while also preventing homeless individuals from residing in public facilities and businesses. Wells has recently held county officials accountable for “dumping” the homeless in local motels and rejected a Homeless Motel bill that would violate city code by forcing establishments to incur 70-100% occupancy of homeless residents. He believes that the County fails to invest in East County’s well-being as much as other areas, and he seeks to address the disparity with his limited authority.

Wells also aims to combat excessive taxation within San Diego and prioritize redevelopment financing and a healthy budget. El Cajon has a remarkable $53 million reserve for city infrastructure and continues to lead the state in city investment. Despite the pandemic and nationwide fentanyl crisis, the city’s public safety department remains at full strength and empowered.

In the 2024 Congressional election, Mayor Bill Wells calls for your support to bring much-needed security and prosperity to California and, perhaps, the nation.

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10:30 AM10:30


AFTERNOON SPEAKER -Our speaker for March 2023 is Arthur Schaper. [Pronounced "Shopper"] Arthur is the Field Director for MassResistance, the international pro-family, anti-LGBT activist organization that makes the difference.

Under Arthur's leadership, MassResistance chapters have opened in Ohio, Texas, New York, Canada, Hong Kong, and elsewhere around the world. Since 2004, Arthur has been a committed pro-family activist fighting the LGBT agenda and the lies it’s based upon. With his help, and working with an incredible group of activists around the United States—and the world—MassResistance has shut down drag queen story hour programs, removed perverted sex-ed programs from public schools, and stopped bad legislation like bans on life-saving reparative therapy.

Before his work with MassResistance, Arthur was a freelance writer and activist, fighting for a number of issues, including the pro-family fight to stop the spread of the LGBT Agenda in the United States and around the world.

Born, raised, and still living in Torrance, California, Arthur is committed to protecting faith, family, and freedom in all respects.

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10:30 AM10:30

RWSB MEETING, FEB. 22nd, 2023

Our Guest Speaker for February 22, 2023


Following The Election Data To Find Evidence


Dr. Douglas G. Frank is a 40-year modeler of pandemics and elections, a world-renowned scientist, and inventor who received his PhD in Electrochemistry at UC Santa Barbara. He has authored approximately sixty peer-reviewed scientific reports, including feature and cover articles in the leading scientific journals in the world. Known for his work with Mike Lindell. Dr. Frank was featured in two of Mike Lindell’s documentaries (“Scientific Proof” and “Absolute Interference”) because he discovered several of the several algorithms being employed to manipulate our elections.

He left academics in 1996, and has since done extensive consulting, inventing, and technical manufacturing, building electron microscopes, laser scanners, and precision manufacturing and control devices. He is internationally known for his contributions to the bowling ball industry, and helped to establish a special school for extraordinarily gifted youngsters near Cincinnati, Ohio, where he served as the Math & Science department chair for twenty-five years.

Since December of 2020, Dr. Frank has been working incessantly for election reform with grassroots teams in about forty states. He’s met in person with Secretaries of State, Attorney Generals, dozens of legislators, and hundreds of local election officials, and is widely known for his informative and engaging presentation.

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10:30 AM10:30


Afternoon Speaker-Andrea Kaye

Andrea Kaye is a TV and Radio talk show host, on-camera spokesperson, print model, actor, and producer.

She is currently Host of  “The Andrea Kaye Show” which broadcasts on Monday-Friday: 6:00-8:00 PM (PST) on The Answer San Diego FM 96.1 North County | AM 1170 San Diego (KCBQ).

Known as “Dynamite in a Dress”, Andrea Kaye discusses all of today’s hot topics, from politics to entertainment to the boardroom in her unique, southern, sassy style.

Andrea is a sought after TV and Radio commentator/host, appearing regularly as Guest and Fill in Host for Tipping Point on One America News, American Agenda on NewsMax, National Report on NewsMax, Common Sense with Wendy Bell on NewsMax. CNNI, News With Ed on RTTV, KUSI News, Fox 5 San Diego, Good Morning DC, Black News Channel, Dr Gina Primetime on Real America’s Voice, Rush Hour Report on NewsNation.

Past radio shows include: “Becker & Kaye”, “Close Up On San Diego Business Radio Show” “BisTalk”, “Calling All Seniors”, and Good Evening San Diego”

Andrea was Host/Reporter for West Coast Weekly with Andrea Kaye on The Blaze TV and KDOC, and Video Journal News, an online community events program featuring such fun local venues as The San Diego Safari Park, The USS Midway Museum, Birch Aquarium, and others. Segments can be viewed online at

As Co-Host for “Perspectives”, Andrea debated and discussed some of the hottest of today’s topics with a diverse panel.

As an on-camera Spokesperson, Andrea has worked with companies such as Time Warner Cable, APT Companies, National University, UCSD, Disney Vacation Club, and many others.

Andrea’s acting credits are numerous. Most recently, she starred in the Television Movie, “LORe: Deadly Obsession”, which aired internationally on ID Discovery Channel to great reviews.

“She was written as a straightforward villain, but you brought depth and humanity to her that I could never have foreseen. Thank you.” Richard Swindell, Director.

As TV Producer, Andrea’s credits include multiple political Documentaries, including “Iraq & Beyond”, which aired on San Diego Fox 5.

Andrea graduated from Louisiana State University with a B.A. in General Business, emphasis in Finance.

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10:00 AM10:00


Arthur Thompspn is the author of the new book “The World of Soros-Influencing Elections”

Arthur R. Thompson was born in Seattle, Washington in 1938. Art attended the University of Washington, the Washington Military Academy and other business-related institutions, before going into business for himself.

He joined The John Birch Society in May, 1964 and rose through “the ranks” becoming a successful Area Coordinator for the Society in the 1970s. He left the staff to go back into business in 1981 and returned to the staff again in the 1990s.

In the 1980s and early 90s, his business took him all over the United States. A frequent visitor to Western Europe on business, as a tourist, and once on a political fact-finding tour for the JBS, Art was at the Berlin Wall as it was coming down. During this tour, he became acquainted with many businessmen, academics, and members of the German cabinet and European Union.

Art has also served on his small-town City Council, as the chairman of his local Chamber of Commerce, as an official and an elector for the Republican Party, and as a local leader in the state of Washington for the Christian Coalition. He also served as an officer in the Select Reserve Force of the Army and National Guard.

Art has held virtually every volunteer and staff position in the Society, including National Director of Development and Communications and National Director of Field Activities. For several years, he represented the Society in a variety of media events, including appearing on 60 Minutes, and was for a short time on our Speakers Bureau. He was the CEO of The John Birch Society from October 2005 to July 2020.

Art is the author of To the Victor Go the Myths and Monuments, International Merger by Foreign Entanglements, In the Shadow of the Deep State, China: The Deep State’s Trojan Horse in America, and Benedict Biden: Water Carrier For The New World Order. He continues to regularly contribute to JBS through his writing, video appearances, fundraising efforts, and advice to staff. He resides in Appleton, Wisconsin, with his wife Joanne.

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10:30 AM10:30


MAIN SPEAKER-LANCE CHRISTENSEN (running for Superintendent of Public Instruction)

Lance Christensen Biography Lance Christensen is married and a father of 5, seventh-generation Californians, all of whom are school-age right now. With his oldest about to graduate from San Juan Unified School District (Sacramento County) to his youngest Kindergartener homeschooled through a local charter, Lance is keenly aware of all the challenges facing parents trying to get the best education for their children.

For over 20 years, Lance has been very active in all aspects of the education system. After graduating from Brigham Young University (Utah) with a degree in English, Lance taught 4th grade as an educational assistant in Aurora Public Schools (just outside of Denver, Colorado). Lance applied that experience in graduate school at Pepperdine University’s School of Public Policy, studying education theory that he applied over his 15 years as a legislative consultant in the State Senate.

While a finance budget analyst for the Department of Finance, Lance oversaw the budget of the newly formed Department of Juvenile Justice and helped develop Proposition 98 education funding for schools in the various juvenile correctional facilities so that students could receive an education and not return to the criminal justice system.

Lance has been active in many aspects of local education including running for school board, sitting as the assistant chair of the school district's finance committee and serving as vice president of a high school booster club. Recognized as an education policy and budgetary, he is the Vice President of Education Policy and Government Relations at the California Policy Center, long respected as a foundation built on education opportunities and choice.

He was also one of the primary architects of the recent school choice initiative that would allow parents to create education savings accounts for state funds to follow the student. Lance Christensen is growing his endorsements but lists two mentors, Rep. Tom McClintock and state Sen. John Moorlach (ret.) as enthusiastic endorsements. Moorlach recently wrote: "Californians need a proven leader to be its State Superintendent of Public Instruction.

Someone who has school-aged children and appreciates the importance of providing the best education for the Golden State’s six million-plus students. Lance Christensen is that gifted, intelligent and disciplined educational leader we need. He understands how Sacramento operates and where he can make the necessary and needed improvements.

We’ve seen how disappointing our school systems are over these last two years. The status quo is not making the grade. You can be confident in your vote for Lance Christensen to positively impact the current generation and beyond.”

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12:00 PM12:00


Bonitafest is celebrating 50 years! Volunteers needed for voter registration and supporting our local candidates as they meet and greet all the attendees at this fun and festive event. Please contact Sylvia at 619 417-6160 if you can volunteer for any time during this event.

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6:00 PM18:00

79th and 80th Caucus Meeting

Get out the Vote & Precinct Operations-Your help is needed for Voter Outreach. Find out how you can help turn out the Republican vote while meeting like minded neighbors! It’s easy and fun!

Meet the local candidates.

This meeting will be full of information and action items and you will not want to miss the special announcements!

Please support the host restaurant by coming early (4:30-5:30 for dinner).

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to Nov 7

Volunteer at RWSB Campaign Headquarters

How you can help get our local Republicans get elected!

RWSB has a conference room that has been made available for us to use on Third Avenue in Chula Vista for campaign activities, including making calls to registered Republicans and precinct walking. As the schedule is arranged we need volunteers to assist with all aspects of campaigns for our local candidates. Space is limited at the location, please RSVP to Cheryl at 619-997-5501 or if you can come for an hour or so (address will be given after RSVP). Refreshments will be available.

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5:30 PM17:30


  • Home of Sandra and Manuel Contreras (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

It's Taco Time!
RWSB 2nd Annual Members and Friends Social!
Join us for a fun evening of good food and conservative talk! Everything will be provided: beer, wine, dessert, water. In addition, there will be raffle baskets and items to bid on. Our beautiful DJ, Nico, will entertain us with great music. There will also be interesting speakers. You and your friends won't want to miss this fun event. Pay at:

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10:30 AM10:30



Tony will speak on the Primary Election Results

Born and raised in Sweden, Tony Krvaric was inspired by Ronald Reagan's optimism and unshakable belief in free enterprise, individual liberty, and limited government, vowing to one day come to America and pursue his own American Dream.

His parents having left communist Yugoslavia (present-day Croatia) in the 60's, he learned early on the evils of suppressing God-given, natural rights - which launched a life-long dedication to defeating communism wherever it rears its ugly head.

In 1992 he arrived in San Diego and started his own business in the computer industry. In 1998 he discovered his passion; helping individuals and families make smart financial decisions – and joined A.G. Edwards & Sons as a full service Financial Consultant.

In May of 2003 he was naturalized as an American citizen, calling it “one of the proudest days” of his life. Immediately he registered to vote as a Republican - the Party of Ronald Reagan - and became active in local politics, volunteering in many different positions.

In 2007 he was unanimously elected Chairman of the Republican Party of San Diego County, where he served as a volunteer for 14 years, building the "gold standard" of county parties with a permanent headquarters, staff, and a budget of $2M+ per cycle.

A prolific fundraiser and networker, Tony was a top bundler for President Donald Trump, developing deep relationships with key business, civic, and political leaders across California.

After 14 years of service, in 2021, he stepped down as County Chairman, earning the honorary title of Chairman Emeritus. Today he continues to volunteer for the cause, helping raise money for America First candidates and elected officials on the national level.

Tony considers himself socially conservative and fiscally moderate, standing up for objective truth and beauty in a world which rejects both. He is unapologetically America First, refusing to let big business, big government, and big unions destroy his country.

His business, Krvaric Capital & Risk Management - an independent, boutique firm - helps select individuals and families grow, protect, and distribute wealth. He holds both securities and insurance licenses, and the business serves clients across sixteen states.

Tony lives in the Scripps Ranch area of San Diego, California with his wife and their four children (“three boys and a princess.”) The family attends St. Michael’s Catholic Church in Poway where Tony is a proud Fourth Degree Brother Knight.

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10:30 AM10:30


MAIN SPEAKER-Pete Murray for S.D. Superior Court Judge

Pete is an exceptionally-experienced trial lawyer having served 20+ years as a criminal trial prosecutor as well as 10+ years as a private practitioner in both the state and federal courts.  For the last 10+ years he has been a Deputy Attorney General prosecuting crimes against seniors and healthcare fraud – handling cases from investigation through trial as well as appeal.  He is a former Deputy District Attorney having prosecuted hundreds of criminal cases, from Murder, Sexual Assaults and Drug Trafficking to Theft and DUI.  Pete has tried over 75 cases to jury verdict.

In between his two positions as a public prosecutor, Pete started and ran his own private law practice where, amongst a broad array of work, he represented small businesses, families and individuals, including law enforcement and other first responders.  A Duke Law graduate, Pete started his legal career in a major international law firm.  Pete has now returned to private practice as the Chief Trial Counsel for a San Diego law firm where he is engaged in groundbreaking approaches in the “civil prosecution” of Elder Abuse matters which have skyrocketed during Covid.

Pete is a proud Veteran having served as a United States Naval Aviator and deployed with the USS Midway battlegroup.


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10:30 AM10:30


Eric Early for California Attorney General

Eric Early is a husband, father, small businessman and attorney who is running for California Attorney General in 2022.

In the 2020 election cycle, Eric came in the top two in the June 2020 Primary, becoming the official Republican candidate against Adam Schiff for Congress for California’s 28th Congressional District. His great campaign was fueled by thousands of volunteers and supporters from around the country. Before that, in the 2018 election cycle, Eric entered his first campaign for public office running against Xavier Becerra for California Attorney General and received almost 1 million votes statewide.

Eric is the co-owner and Managing Partner of a 25 lawyer nationally recognized law firm which litigates in courts throughout America, handling constitutional, contract, fraud, real estate and general business disputes.

Eric is also lead counsel for the RecallGavin2020 team and one of his many other clients include One America News Network.

Eric has been selected for inclusion in The Best Lawyers in America© each year since 2017. He has also been included on the list of Southern California Super Lawyers every year since 2005.

As a business owner, Eric signs the front of many people’s paychecks every two weeks. He and his wife Emerald – a Registered Nurse and Navy Brat — have 4 children, three dogs and a cat. Eric’s son is a successful business owner of a private jet charter company. Eric’s daughter has toured the world twice in rock bands. Eric’s stepson is currently stationed on an aircraft carrier in the Navy. Eric’s parents were legal immigrants to America. His dad was a Marine during the Korean War, and fought in North Korea as part of the Chosin Reservoir Campaign, returning home with a Purple Heart to raise a family.

Eric is not a politician. He has a blessed family, a wonderful law firm and will take a massive pay cut if elected. Eric loves America and cannot remain on the sidelines. He believes that there is a battle of good versus evil currently raging in our country, to the point where those who support communism and socialism remarkably now populate certain portions of our government. Now is not a time for good people to sit on the sidelines as the evil multiply.

Eric is also the host of “The Early Edition” live on Sundays at 12 noon on KRLA AM 870 The Answer and “The Early Report – Reporting From the Belly of the Beast” live on CRN Digital Talk Radio on Tuesdays at 4 pm. He is also a frequent guest on the RecallGavin team’s “Friday Nights at the French Laundry” show at 7 pm Fridays on KABC AM 790.

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